(281) 498-8686

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Commercial Plumbing in New Orleans

Don’t you wish you could find a reliable and affordable plumber whom you know you can rely on not only for home visits, but to take care of your business as well? We at the Rooter Man can! The Rooter Man has been performing commercial and residential plumbing for over...

Why does my storm drain get clogged?

At a recent meeting of Rooter Man Technicians and Plumbers, Fitz explained the common problems on why storm drains clog and get stopped up.  Mud and leaves, to no one’s surprise, were the main culprits. During rains, heavy or not, mud, grass and leaves are running...

Your toilet is clogged….why?

At a recent meeting of Rooter Man Technicians and Plumbers it was agreed upon that the following five things caused 95% of toilet clog problems…do any of them sound familiar to you? 1.   Toys: Kids toys don’t go down toilets well, agreed? 2.   Baby Wipes: Baby wipes...