Running a business can be expensive and at times trying to save money by doing something without professional help seems like the best idea. Plumbing in a commercial setting is not something you should attempt to do on your own. This especially rings true in the New Orleans area where many old homes and estates have been converted for commercial use. Attempting to update or upgrade plumbing without a licensed commercial plumber could bring expensive and detrimental results.
Commercial plumbing is different than residential plumbing, not only in the aspect of providing for more individuals, it also must handle larger amounts of both fresh and waste water. Pipes need to be larger to handle more capacity, or if they are not sizably larger, they need to be a different construction to handle more pressure. Commercial plumbing also must be the correct size and composition to handle excessive use and abuse. People do not respect commercial property like they do residential entities. There are also different codes that must be met in a commercial setting compared to residential, so having professionals initiate and complete the work is the most intelligent approach.
As mentioned earlier, the New Orleans area has unique construction aspects everywhere. Not only conversions of residential to commercial, but also the fact that the city is below sea level will present some plumbing issues that only local experienced professionals should attack. Many pump systems are needed in order for waste to be moved in an area such as NOLA, and many codes and requirements are different because of this fact. Upgrading plumbing in a business then becomes even more complicated. A mistake with a pumping mechanism could cause detrimental water back up into not only your business, but neighboring establishments as well. Commercial plumbing is not for amateurs, and certainly not in this area of the country.
Many commercial enterprises are plumbed in such a manner that they share a main sewage line and main water line. Commercial plumbers are familiar with such a system and will not cut off the water supply to the wrong business or cause sewage trouble for other businesses in close proximity. Familiarity and experience are things that cannot be taken lightly when upgrading commercial plumbing. Licensed plumbers will guarantee their work and provide services at times that will cause the least impact to all involved. After hours work is available from many commercial plumbers at no extra charge because they realize the impact such work has on running a business. Hiring a licensed professional plumber is always recommended.